May 13, 2010

One Dollar Life (part 2)

Days and months pass like a shot bullet. Another summer has come. Day was late of spring and beginning of summer. Having many thoughts about helping children, I was going to the grocery shop. On the way, I just put myself instead of them. I felt so pity and decided to buy one little cake and 2 ice-creams. I bet they've never felt how ice-cream tastes, and cake so. They could only imagine that they are eating it when other children got an ice-cream from their parents.
When I came to the shop, both of them were almost crying. Then I started another conversation:

Me: Hello… Why are you two so sad? What is happened?
Older child: One older boy robed our money and ran away just before you come.
Me: How much money have you been robed?
Older child: we had got about 1$ and 50 cents from this morning till now. (it was about 3:00pm in the afternoon)
Me: Let’s go to the bus stop, and let’s talk about on the way…

Then they started to walk with me to the nearest bus stop. Younger child got one new friend. He was holding one little puppy. So, I started to continue my conversation:
Me: Hey, You have got a new friend!
Younger child: Yes. I found him when he was in dirt tunnel. I think someone threw him. I always like to bring him. (to the “work”) I think he brings luck to us. When he is with us, we get more money.
Me: Oh I see. How lucky he is. By the way, How much money do you get a day?
Older child: Actually, we usually get 3$ and 50cents a day. But everyday older boys rob us almost half of it. And then 1$ to each of us is left. (older boys are aged between 14 to 18years old.)
Me: What do you buy with 1$?
Younger child: I buy one ramen and give rest of it to my brother. (ramen-noodle is imported from china, and selling price is 20cents. Very cheap, unqualified food and leads to cancer)
Older child: I buy some flour and vegetables for our dinner. If money left little bit, I buy some candies for ourselves. (1kg/2.2lb flour is 0.6$, 1kg potatoes is 0.5$, 1kg beef is 3$ but they have only 1.8$ left)

I was bit worried about their health. While we were talking, we already got near to the bus stop. Then I stopped and told them my decision that was changed earlier just to give money away instead of buying an ice-cream. All I had was only 10$ left. 

Me: Take these 10 bucks. Go home safe. Buy some foods for your dinner. Only I want from you two is that you two should become good people!!! Stay away from get involved with bad people.
Two children: Thank you very much Ahaa…Thank you thank you…Ahaa
Me: You two are really sure? That no big boys will bother you on the way to home from here on?
Two children: We are pretty sure. We can go home now on. Very thanks for money you’ve gave

I was like proud of myself because I have ever done at least one good thing in my life. At same time I was very touched with their reactions. Younger child was still holding his new friend and smiling at me ever happily. But older child was almost going to cry. I could see his eyes were full of tears, and staring at me with full of thoughts. I already understood his thoughts were that there are people who care of us. I knew it was his first time holding 10 bucks in his life. 

A bus came to the stop, and those children had to leave me, and they ran to a bus. I was just standing alone and watching them to get in a bus safely. When a bus started to go, I turned back to walk home with deep enthusiasm to understand life we have.

To be Continued...
I Hope That You Will Be The One of Us Who could Turn Light On in His/Her Little World.

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